Our Global Vision

We have 2 main philosophies. Make Money… Helping The World! & Take Our Technology and Make It Your Own


Our Next Level Global Leadership training covers a range of key subjects, here are some fundamental ones:

1. Self-awareness: Understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and leadership style.
2. Communication: Effective communication skills, including active listening, clear articulation, and empathy.
3. Decision-making: Developing the ability to make sound decisions, considering various perspectives and potential outcomes.
4. Team building: Strategies for fostering collaboration, motivation, and synergy within teams.
5. Conflict resolution: Techniques for addressing and resolving conflicts constructively.
6. Emotional intelligence: Recognizing and managing emotions, both in oneself and in others.
7. Strategic thinking: Developing long-term vision and goals, and aligning actions accordingly.
8. Adaptability: Being flexible and open to change, and leading others through transitions.
9. Ethical leadership: Upholding integrity, honesty, and ethical standards in decision-making and actions.
10. Empowerment: Encouraging and empowering team members to take initiative and ownership.

                                                                            Our price starting at $10/month.

Already an Affiliate? Login here!

                                                                            Our price starting at $10/month.

Join a community full of opportunity! 12,223+ Affiliate members🏆

Share a good word about NL Global with your audience💸💰

“Are you a blogger, website owner, or social media expert? Do you have a popular Facebook or Instagram page? Join our Affiliate Program and earn recurring revenue with minimal effort.
Once the leads you refer purchase any NL Global paid plan, you will automatically receive your commission in your affiliate account. The more you promote, the more you earn!”

Here's how you can be a part!

Signup as affiliate, get your affiliate link and start sharing it. That’s it and start getting comission.

Step 1: Sign Up

Signup for the affiliate program. It’s free to get started.

Step 2: Share Link

Get your affiliate links and start sharing with your target audience.

Step 3: Start Earning

Earn right from the moment your traffic converts.

How to succeed as a NL Global Affiliate👍

Become our affiliate partner and earn recurring commissions on every sale.

Share with your inner circle

Tell friends and family how NL Global has helped your business and how they can benefit from the tool.

Spread the word on social

Share your favorite workflow and let your followers know about your love for NL Global

Run digital campaigns Promote

NL Global on your website through banner ads and other content using your affiliate link.

Write a blog post

Do you write about productivity or automation? Describe your experience with NL Global on your blog.

Publish educational content

Get creative. Record tutorials, run webinars or even create courses on NL Global.

Get your clients onboard

Are you an agency or freelancer? Recommend NL Global to your clients to earn more on top of your services.

What makes NL Global Referral awesome?

Why join the NL Global Affiliate Program?

Recurring Commissions

For every recurring sale, you will receive a recurring commission based on the sale amount and what level you are.. This means that by sharing your affiliate link just one time, you will continue to receive commission as long as the customer remains with us.

Easy Payout System

NL Global will credit the commissions to your PayPal or Indian bank account only once a month.

Easy To Understand Dashboard

The affiliate dashboard allows you to easily track all of your affiliate earnings and payments. Additionally, it provides you with access to all of your affiliate links in one convenient location.

365 Days Cookie Period

If you choose to participate in the referral program, you will receive a commission for any user who signs up and becomes a paying customer within 365 days of clicking on your referral link.

Earn Recurring Commissions

The NL Global compensation plan is a life changing compensation plan.  It is based on production.  With no production there would be no business volume to earn money in the compensation plan.  If 20k Business Volume is created within 1 month with your free affiliates you can up to these totals for that month:

As a:
Free Affiliate $2,000
Preferred Affiliate $4,000
Premier Member $6,000
Coordinator $8,000
Manager $10,000
Supervisor $12,000
Director $14,000
Executive Director $16,000
International Marketing Director $18,000

The more you promote NL Global to your audience, the greater the opportunity to earn more commissions. 🎉

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get 30% recurring commission on every sale you bring to us (Applicable to all recurring membership plans). For Life Time Deals, you will get flat 20% commission.

For an affiliate to receive his earned commission, the following criteria must be fulfilled :

a) The referred sale must have completed the 60 days payout period to be added in the payout report.

b) The total affiliate commission must cross the minimum payment amount of $50.

Once both the above conditions are met, the commission will be included in the monthly payout report which is generated on 15th of every month. Once the payout report is generated we take anywhere between 1-2 weeks to disburse the funds.

Example: If an affiliate refers a customer on January 7th.

There will be a waiting period of 60 days before the same customer will be added to the payout report. The 60 days waiting period allows us to cover the refunds or any payment disputes that happen during that period.

So, your referred sales from January 7th will be eligible for the commission on 7th March once the 60 days waiting period is completed.

Since the payout report is generated on 15th of every month. The sales commission will be added in the subsequent payout report that will be generated on 15th March.

We take roughly 1 to 2 weeks to disburse the funds after the payout report is generated. So the affiliate will receive commission for the referred customer on 7th January anytime between 15th-31st March.

Self-referrals for affiliate purchases are strictly prohibited. You will not receive credit when purchasing a membership package through your own affiliate link. You may receive an automatic notification from NL Global Subscriptions to let you know that a sale has taken place, but your affiliate payments will not include this amount.

The commission will not be generated if the custom domain of the affiliate and end-user will be the same.

Let’s understand this with an example. When a customer lands on our website via an affiliate link, a cookie will get saved on its device and browser. However, if due to some reason, they leave the website without completing the purchase at that time but comes back to our website after a few days within the cookie period and completes the payment, then also your referral will work and commission will be generated against that sale.

NL Global affiliate program provides the cookie period of 365 days which is the best in the industry. This allows you to get commissions for the referral that is made almost a year back.

We reserve the right to approve or reject ANY of your affiliate commission on the following basis. You will have no legal recourse against us for the rejection of your affiliate commission.

Approve: The commissions are approved only when the user is still using our service and has an active account. This is subjected to any of our free trial periods or 60 days after the sale has been made.

Disapprove: We disapprove of the commission when the referred client’s account is subjected to any refunds/cancellations or violates our terms and conditions.

The commission amount paid to you will be inclusive of the 18% GST. You will need to send us the invoice to get your payment processed. The invoice shall include your PAN card number and GST Number(if applicable on you).

All payments will be done after deducting a 5% TDS amount on the commission payment.

We will be depositing the TDS tax payment for commission earned against your PAN number on your behalf. If you do not fall under the tax bracket, you can claim the refund from the Government.

No. You just need to signup once and you will get all the affiliate links for all the products at one place on your dashboard.

Learn more about the program in our affiliate terms. If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

Yes, you will be paid until your referred customer stays with us. You will get the commission from the first payment to all the recurring paid by the customer.

The commission rate for the first purchase and recurring payment is 30% respectively.

The minimum payout amount is the minimal commission amount that needs to be earned by affiliate to include it to payout report. The minimum payout amount is $50.

We follow the “Last Click ” model. That means, the last affiliate link, clicking on which the customer has made the sale, will be recorded in the system.

For example, 4 different affiliates, say A, B, C and D has approached a user to make a purchase. If the user has open the affiliate links in the following order – D’s link, C’s link, A’s link and at last B’s link and finally purchased the product through B’s link, then the sale will be recorded against B’s affiliate referral and commission will be generated for B respectively.

What are you waiting for?

Start earning recurring commission for your referrals